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Revista Presei

Mesajde MyBees » 02 Ian 2012, 15:34

Incerc sa strang intr-un topic articolele online, cu subiect apicol, peste care dau intamplator. E bine venita contributia tuturor celor care doresc.

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Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 13:01
Localitate: Bucuresti, stupina in Dambovita

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde cypryx » 02 Ian 2012, 16:49

e d al nostru ,,de la onedoara,,de la Josani ,
asta e mândria noastră sa ne trăiască LA MULTI ANI.
încă nu am reușit sa il vizitez personal pe nea UCA dar il am ca mentor pe colegul sau de pastoral pe dom Hazulea.
mare om mare caracter nea UCA ,toți apicultori ii datorează cel puțin respect.
sa ne fie sănătos si sa ne călăuzească in pace.

acesta e exemplul adevărat de stupar.
festina lente,pământul e rotund si ajungi sigur in același punct.
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Membru din: 23 Mar 2011, 23:03
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Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde CORNEL V. » 02 Ian 2012, 17:40

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Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde CORNEL V. » 02 Ian 2012, 17:42

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Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde MyBees » 05 Ian 2012, 01:33

Albinele pot ajuta in lupta cu cancerul. Honeybees Health Benefits And Cancer
via facebook|Arici Seğmen

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Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 13:01
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Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde Galofornia » 05 Ian 2012, 04:26

CORNEL V. scrie:

Dar totusi sa nu postam chiar si tampenii. Scuzati cuvantul dar "nu tot ce zboara se mananca".
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Membru din: 03 Ian 2012, 02:32
Localitate: Botosani (Tudor Vladimirescu)

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde CORNEL V. » 05 Ian 2012, 08:14

Galofornia scrie:
CORNEL V. scrie:

Dar totusi sa nu postam chiar si tampenii. Scuzati cuvantul dar "nu tot ce zboara se mananca".

De ce nu postezi tu articole mai interesante decat ce am postat eu?
Altceva pe care sa le creada lumea...daca tu crezi ca este o tampenie nu inseamna ca toti cred acelasi lucru ...asa ca fa bine si abtine-te de la asemenea comentarii
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Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 13:10
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Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde Galofornia » 05 Ian 2012, 20:08

Cand o sa am timpul o sa postez probabil "editoriale" asemanatoare ca ale tale. Probabil reusim in felul asta ca noii stupari sa dea foc la tot si sa caute un alt hobby/lucru ect. ;)
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Mesaje: 44
Membru din: 03 Ian 2012, 02:32
Localitate: Botosani (Tudor Vladimirescu)

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde MyBees » 06 Ian 2012, 01:29

Haideti sa postam pur si simplu fara a comenta inutil. Fiecare citeste ce doreste, e atat de simpla selectia... Singurul criteriu obligatoriu ar trebui sa fie subiectul-legat de apicultura. Bineinteles, as dori sa filtram toate stirile care sunt create doar sa umple pagini, dar nu-i bai daca nu reusim. Dam de un link care duce la ceva inutil? nu citim mai departe.
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Mesaje: 1285
Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 13:01
Localitate: Bucuresti, stupina in Dambovita

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde Galofornia » 06 Ian 2012, 02:42

Ai dreptate!
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Membru din: 03 Ian 2012, 02:32
Localitate: Botosani (Tudor Vladimirescu)

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde MyBees » 06 Ian 2012, 19:51

Chiar daca indirect legat de apicultur: Fie invatam sa cheltuim, fie spunem "pa"!

Romania pierde fondurile europene daca nu invata sa le cheltuiasca
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"
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Mesaje: 1285
Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 13:01
Localitate: Bucuresti, stupina in Dambovita

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde kiloz » 11 Ian 2012, 21:11

Mierea, cel mai falsificat aliment
22 mai 2009

Producător - procesator - consumator. Acesta este cel mai simplu traseu prin care produsele agroalimentare ajung pe masa consumatorului.

În realitate, tra­seul este mult mai complicat, ceea ce du­ce de multe ori la falsificarea alimen­te­lor, astfel încât consumatorul nu mai plă­teşte doar costurile de producere, pro­cesare şi ambalare, ci, uneori, şi "ştiin­ţa înglobată" în falsificarea alimentelor.

Falsificarea alimentelor reprezintă adaosul oricărei substanţe într-un produs alimentar cu scopul mas­cării unor defecte sau al conferirii unor proprietăţi care nu se justifică prin ori­ginea şi compoziţia sa. Falsificarea alimentelor este o meteahnă veche a oamenilor şi o dată cu progresul tehnico-ştiinţific au progresat şi metodele de falsificare. Uneori, acestea au luat-o chiar înaintea tehnologiilor, din păcate.

Unul dintre cele mai falsificate alimente este mierea de albine. Avizaţi de beneficiile acestui aliment-medicament, consumatorii sunt deseori înşelaţi, achi­zi­ţionând "miere" care de multe ori este falsificată cu sirop de porumb, izomalţ, za­hăr invertit, ceea ce scade dramatic efectul benefic asupra sănătăţii.

Apicultorii au evaluat pericolul punerii în vânzare a produselor apicole falsificate din cauza imposibilităţii comerciali­ză­rii produselor pure la preţul corect.

Într-o comunicare recentă în Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, cer­ce­tă­to­rul Bernard Herbreteau, de la Institutul de Cercetări Agricole Dubarry, a prezentat o nouă metodă de determinare a falsi­fi­cării mierii de albine. Metoda se ba­zea­ză pe "amprentarea" glucidelor din mie­rea pură şi compararea etalonului cu profilul glucidelor din diferite sortimente de miere comercializate. Izolarea com­pu­şi­lor glucidici amprentaţi se face iniţial prin îndepărtarea monozaharidelor şi a oligozaharidelor din miere, urmată de separarea cromatografică utilizând un schimbător de ioni cu fază stabilă şi detectarea cu pulsuri amperometrice.

Aplicarea acestei metode a permis detectarea falsificării mierii pornind de la un adaos de 1% de sirop de porumb, adică la concentraţii extrem de mici, care nu mai justifică falsificarea.

Siropul de porumb, utilizat tradiţional la falsificarea mierii de albine, conţine 10% fructoză, 45% glucoză, 13% maltotrioză şi 2% oligozaharide lungi. Mierea de albine pură conţine 39,3% fructoză, 33% glucoză şi 2,3% oligozaharide, restul fiind apă (17%). Importanţa ei nutriţională se datorează însă conţinutului de microelemente (vitaminele B1, B2, B6, B12, enzime, flavoni, flavonoide, compuşi aromatici, fitohormoni, acizi organici - lactic, citric, malic, oxalic, dextrina, compuşi ai azotului - în total 435 de substanţe).
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Mesaje: 1945
Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 15:08

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde kiloz » 29 Ian 2012, 10:21 ... e-reality/
FREDERIC, Wis., Jan. 17, 2012 — Alarms sounded across the nation when a university study reported a “deadly fly parasite” now threatens the lives of honeybees, making them act “zombie-like” and saying it’s “consistent” with Colony Collapse Disorder, which is thought to destroy bees around the world.

This report of the bees’ demise seems akin to Mark Twain hearing of his demise. "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” said Twain.

Earlier this month researchers at San Francisco State University published a study declaring “widespread” attacks on the bees by the tiny deadly parasite fly, Apocephalus borealis, which “could threaten honey bee colonies throughout North America…and into regions of the world.” The three-year study published on PLoS ONE, an online peer-review source, even hailed the new plague as “evolutionary.”

The Associated Press and other news agencies in the US and Europe quickly broadcasted this discovery by John Hafernik, SFSU biology and entomology professor and his research team. And soon the world was abuzz with a new threat.

Anything threatening honeybees is of great concern to agriculture and the economy.

Nearly one-third of U.S. agriculture depends on the 2.4 million bee colonies for big-crop production, where bees annually pollinate $14 billion worth of seeds and crops, a Cornell University study estimates.

So when danger strikes the bees or they’re taking an evolutionary step, alarms sound.

But here the bells may be tolling prematurely, despite a science claim and media frenzy. Government officials, leading bee experts and average beekeepers around the country say this strange discovery is not seen nationwide — but strangely only in the SFSU study. And some even question the veracity of the discovery itself.

“Do you like conspiracies?” said Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture, the largest national bee magazine. “This is all conjecture. I think there’s much to do about very little. But give it a year and we’ll see.”

The parasite fly up close

State and county officials are equally surprised to hear of this discovery.

“The first time our agency heard about it was through media reports,” said Steve Lyle, director of public affairs with the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

“It’s in my jurisdiction,” said Miguel Monroy, agricultural commissioner for the County of San Francisco. “Word I had of this fly was when I read it in the newspaper.”

The parasite fly is a long-time resident of California and a known nemesis to other bugs besides honeybees. “They’ve been known to infest or parasitize bumblebees for some time all over the country,” said Eric Mussen, California State bee specialist and professor at the University of California, Davis. “It’s not new. We’re aware of it. I don’t believe it’s a terribly important thing to honeybees as a whole.”

But the SFSU research boldly suggests this discovery is a marker “consistent” with the destructive CCD syndrome. Yet leading California bee experts say otherwise. “We don’t even consider that to be a primary one,” said Dr. Mussen. “That’s just a few bees that happen to unfortunately be parasitized. It’s not major as far as we know.”

And those who are in the know about bees don’t know about this problem.

“No, we’re not seeing anything unusual,” said Randy Oliver, editor of and beekeeper for 45 years who manages and researches about 1,000 hives in California. “I certainly haven’t seen this.” Oliver calls the panic “unwarranted.”

The recent fuss is over what happened several years ago. In 2008, Hafernik said he came to work and noticed something strange. “It was just an accidental find. I was coming into the biology building where I work every day and I noticed that there were a number of honeybees that were stranded and acting strangely in front of the building,” he said.

The bees were on the ground acting “zombie-like” and clustered in a light fixture. He took the bees to his office, put the critters in a vial and sealed it.

“I left them on my desk and forgot about them. Then I came back and found these fly larvae maggots coming out of the bees that had been on my desk for a week or ten days,” he said.

A closer examination in the lab revealed something new: the parasite fly had parasitized the honeybee, he said. Previously, this honor only went to bumblebees and wasps. He also monitored some hives around the Bay Area, where the study states 77 percent “were infected.” But two participant beekeepers said they never saw the parasite fly or their bees acting zombie-like and clustered in light fixtures.

The study cites South Dakota as another place where the parasite fly’s genetics were found in commercial-pollination hives. But again, state officials and beekeepers have not confirmed even the fly’s presence.

“This is the first time that we became aware of it,” said Robert Reiners, South Dakota state apiarist. “We never officially documented it or anything. It’s just what I’m reading in that paper that they released.”

The San Francisco researchers enlisted the help of a South Dakota commercial bee farmer, who supplied the university team with bee samples. But the supplier said he doubts a problem even exists. “We have never seen it, not in any of our bees,” said Richard Adee, owner of Adee Honey Farms, which manages 80,000 hives across several states. “That was just a sidebar that the guy had them sitting on his desk. I talked to scientists and they said, don’t you worry too much about it. It’s not a concern yet.”

The federal government estimates there are 80,000 American beekeepers coast to coast. And the government has yet to hear any reports from beekeepers telling of this abnormal behavior in bees. “We’ve done a number of surveys across the country over the past six to eight years,” said Jeffrey Pettis, research leader at the USDA. “So we haven’t seen it in the survey work we’ve done.”

And for federal officials, this research does not raise alarms. “We don’t see this issue as a threat,” said Dr. Pettis. “And linking it to CCD is probably a bit premature there.”

Despite the lack of eye-witness accounts, interest in this phenomenon remains. Hafernik said he’s received a “large number of emails” from beekeepers in the country reporting strange bee behavior. Yet no one’s reported seeing the parasite fly wreaking havoc on bees across North America. “Not yet. No,” he said.

It seems the lack of empirical evidence should quiet hysteria. But insect fear has run rampant before. “It’s kind of the stuff science fiction movies are made of,” said Marion Ellis, Extension Apiculture Specialist at the University of Nebraska and spokesman for the American Bee Federation.

“Something laying its eggs in you and another being growing inside of you, eating your brain. It does get your attention,” said Dr. Ellis. “The insect world has long provided food for the science fiction movie makers.”

But beyond conspiracies and horror films, there is a science consensus that this phenomenon bears watching. “It’s something we ought to look at,” said Ellis. “But I don’t think there’s a simple answer like a mutant fly that started infecting honeybees….I think the evidence is not very strong that it’s a wide-spread problem.”

And upon hearing that no other authority in the country could substantiate a credible attack on the bees by the parasite fly, Hafernik offered a new possibility.

“At this point it’s very hard to tell whether it’s something that’s going to be really important in terms of understanding what’s happening with bees,” he said. “Or whether it’s going to be kind of a sidebar.”

You can email Wayne Anderson at or get a wider understanding of him on his website at
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Mesaje: 1945
Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 15:08

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde proapis13 » 29 Ian 2012, 10:38

Ultima oară modificat de proapis13 pe 29 Ian 2012, 10:41, modificat 1 dată în total.
Informatia se gaseste in carti,carti pe care din pacate,odata cu feisbucareala apiculturii,nu le mai citeste nimeni...
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Mesaje: 7329
Membru din: 24 Feb 2011, 17:20
Localitate: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde proapis13 » 29 Ian 2012, 10:40

Interesant link-ul acesta;
Revin pt a nu stiu a cata oara cu rugamintea de a nu mai posta tot articolul daca nu este si tradus
NU toti apicultorii stiu engleza sau stiu sa folosesca functia traduce :!: asa ca puteai pune decat adresa
salve :D
Informatia se gaseste in carti,carti pe care din pacate,odata cu feisbucareala apiculturii,nu le mai citeste nimeni...
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Mesaje: 7329
Membru din: 24 Feb 2011, 17:20
Localitate: Drobeta Turnu-Severin

Re: Revista Presei

Mesajde kiloz » 04 Feb 2012, 16:34

Film Review: The World According to Monsanto ... world-ac... -
The breathtaking new film, The World According to Monsanto, features a company that sets the new standard. From Iowa to Paraguay, from England to India, ...
Adevarul despre mancarea noastra modificata genetic cea de toate zilele: Monsanto
mai 27, 2011 blackjack Lasă un comentariu Mergi la comentarii.

Sa ne rugam lui Dumnezeu sa mancam sanatos! Cu acest ultim indemn se termina documentarul Food, Inc., ce este difuzat si de HBO Romania. Fimul de groaza, thriller-ul, spuneti-i cum vreti, dezvaluie monopolul Monsanto asupra semintelor modificate genetic, neputinta fermierilor in fata marilor companii ce nu doresc pe mesele oamenilor o mancare sustenabila si, mai ales, ce putem face impotriva lor.
Daca i-ar pasa cuiva sa se gandeasca, de fapt, la cat de scumpa este cu adevarta mancarea ieftina, probabil ca nimeni n-ar mai cultiva organisme modificate genetic. Si, vazand documentarul, mi-am adus aminte si de ministrul Agriculturii, Valeriu Tabara, care spunea ca se mandreste cu faptul ca a lucrat pentru Monsanto. Semintele Monsanto au incoltit si in Romania – locatii in Voluntari, Ilfov si Sinesti, Ialomita -, dar noi inca mai avem sansa unei agriculturi traditionale. Iar Tabara nu are ce cauta in fruntea ministerului de resort.
In Food, Inc., realizatorul Robert Kenner dezvaluie adevarul din spatele super-mecanizatei industrii agricole, adevar ascuns consumatorilor americani. Care au pe mese gaini gigant, bucati perfecte de carne de porc, seminte de soia rezistente la ierbicide, rosii ce nu se strica, dar si E coli – bacteria ce imbolnaveste anual 73.000 de americani. De asemenea, obezitatea face victime, mai ales in randul copiilor, iar in randul adultilor se poate vorbi de o veritabila epidemie de diabet.
Am incercat o adaptare a sfaturilor celor de la Food Inc. in incercarea de a manca sanatos.
1. Nu mai beti bauturi acidulate.
2. Mancati acasa.
3. Cereti scolilor sa nu mai vanda bauturi acidulate, fast food si bauturi energizante.
4. Tineti posturile (varianta lor e nu mancati carne lunea)
5. Cumparati mancare organica sau sustenabila, cu putine pesticide sau fara.
6. Mancati romaneste (ei zic sprijiniti fermierii locali)
7. Obisnuiti-va sa cititi etichetele produselor pe care le cumparati.
9. Spuneti politicienilor ca este important sa mancati sanatos.
10. Cereti sprijin pentru taranii romani.

Sa ne intoarcem insa la Monsanto, companie fondata in 1921 de farmacistul John Francis Queeny din Missouri. Acum, Monsanto este peste tot, conform Aproape orice produs ne-organic are legatura cu aceasta companie. Porumb, soia, bumbac – se gasesc in majoritatea produselor alimentare din America. Pana la 90% din acestea trei sunt obtinute din seminte modificate genetic. Iar Monsanto controleaza 90% din toate semintele modificate genetic. Cu alte cuvinte, Monsanto detine controlul si brevetele asupra aprovizionarii cu alimente din America.
Recent, un studiu al Jurnalului International de Stiinte Bilogice a aratat ca Mon 863, Mon 810 si ierbicidul NK 603 continut de porumbul Monsanto provoaca imbolnavirea rinichilor si ficatului soarecilor de laborator. De asemenea, le-au fost afectate inima, splina, glandele suprarenale si chiar sangele.
Dar asta n-a afectat si castigurile Monsanto. In 2008, a facut peste 2 miliarde de dolari profit net din incasari de peste 11 miliarde. In 2012, se estimeaza ca marjele brute vor atinge 62%, pretul porumbului si al soia vor creste cu 8-10%, iar castigul din glifosfat va fi de 1 miliard de dolari. Tot in 2012, veniturile fermierilor americani vor scadea cu aproximativ 34%.
Nebunia la care s-a ajuns este ca, spre exemplu, daca un fermier detine pamant langa o ferma ce foloseste seminte Monsanto si semintele acelea se raspandesc si pe terenul lui, Monsanto il poate da in judecata pentru redevente!
In plus, daca foloseste seminte obtinute din recolte crescute din semintele Monsanto, este obligat de asemenea sa plateasca redevente ca sa nu fie dat in judecata. Monsanto a obtinut peste 15 milioane de dolari din redevente intentand procese fermierilor.
In 2004, fermierul Kem Ralph din Tennessee a fost condamnat la opt luni de puscarie si amendat cu 1,3 milioane de dolari pentru ca a tinut in hambarul sau, la rugamintea unui prieten, seminte de bumbac Monsanto. Ca termen de comparatie, in acelasi stat american, amenda pentru posesie de cocaina este de 2.500 de dolari!
In general, argumentul folosit in favoarea celor de la Monsanto este ca “fac mancare mai multa la preturi mai mici”. Numai ca, teoria economica zice ca posibilitatea de a alege si competitia sunt cele care duc la scaderea preturilor. Nu monopolurile. In plus, ierbicidele Monsanto combinate cu cele care fac semintele rezistente au produs un mutant nou – niste super-buruieni ce se raspandesc rapid pe calea aerului si care distrug recoltele vulnerabile. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de gandacii mutanti ce se vor adapta pesticidelor implantate in codul genetic al Mon 810 al Monsanto. Iar daca transformari similare se vor petrece si in oamenii care manaca OMG-uri costurile sistemelor de ingrijire a sanatatii vor depasi infinit asa-zisele beneficii ale mancarii ieftine. Sursa :

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Vezi :

MONSANTO si Marea Afacere A Geneticii

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Mesaje: 1945
Membru din: 23 Feb 2011, 15:08



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